Top Questions You Should be Asking Your Doctor (and Cardiologist!)

  1. How does my family history affect my health? Inform your doctor of any family history of diseases to screen for those conditions. Use My Family Health Portrait to document your family health history.

  2. How are my vital signs? Your vital signs include heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and temperature. Clear communication with your physician is key to understanding your health.

  3. Can I tell you about a typical day of mine to see if there are ways to be more proactive in my health? Discussing your daily routine with your doctor can help identify areas where you can improve your health.

  4. Do I need additional testing, and can you explain the tests and their results? Ask why additional testing is necessary and what the results could mean for your health.

  5. What should I know about the medications I'm taking? Ask about the purpose, side effects, effectiveness, and any precautions associated with your medications.

  6. Should I schedule a follow-up appointment? Scheduling a follow-up appointment can help you stay accountable and track your progress. Don't leave without scheduling your next check-up.

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