Peripheral Angiogram/Catherization

Procedure Time: Usually 60 - 120 mins

When patients have problems walking due to pain in their legs, the cause could be peripheral arterial disease (PAD) due to blockages of the leg arteries. A peripheral angiogram is much like a heart cath in that a thin flexible tube (catheter) is used to take pictures of the arterial circulation of the legs.

Atherectomy Intervention

When a significant blockage in one of the peripheral (leg) arteries is found, an atherectomy device (similar to a roto-rooter) may be used to clean out the blockage. Dr. Krishnan is adept in the use of several types of atherectomy devices (see links below), which provide better results than using wires and balloons alone.

Dr. Krishnan has extensive training in vascular interventions (having trained at Shands Hospital in University of Florida) and has performed numerous vascular interventions involving full leg disease states (including claudication and critical limb ischemia cases.) Dr. Krishnan utilizes a variety of peripheral vascular devices to obtain the best and optimal results to help patients recover use of their limbs. Dr. Krishnan is a firm believer in limb salvage and avoiding amputation (unless clinically necessary) and advocates for the "Save a Limb, Save a Life” campaign.

Podiatry Partnerships

Podiatrists are healthcare professionals trained in diagnosing and treating abnormal conditions of the feet and lower limbs. With a key emphasis on preventing and correcting deformities, keeping people mobile and active, relieving pain and treating infections. Understanding the underserved needs of this critical population, Dr. Krishnan has partnered with podiatrists who are on the front-lines of diagnosing and treating peripheral arterial disease (PAD). By offering outpatient based vascular interventional solutions in the comfort of the podiatrist’s office, patients are able to receive a comprehensive management of their vascular ailments.

Mobile Vascular Solutions

CSI Atherectomy Video
TurboHawk Video